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Date: April 8, 2024

Random Thoughts

Never show your cards and never reveal what game you are playing

In the realm where secrets hold sway and power, Three enigmas stand, their motives a hidden tower. Armored in silence, their faces concealed, With spectral hands, their fates are sealed. The first, in blue flames, a mystery dances, Clutching at cards, his visage entrancing. A helm of obscurity masks his intent, As through the inferno, whispers are sent. Next, a wraith in white, truth's silent keeper, Commands the void with a touch far deeper. Her cards aloft in a ghostly array, Revealing not a whisper, come what may. Lastly, a knight, his armor agleam, With cards in hand, his strategy unseen. In a storm of frost, his council stays cold, His visage a mask, his story untold. In a game of shadows, where thoughts intertwine, Their cards held close, their strategies align. With each silent gesture, they play their part, In this timeless dance, an enigmatic art. No word is spoken, no truth laid bare, For in this game, all is warfare. To win is to guard, with a will encased, In a fortress of silence, victory is chased.


Date: April 7, 2024

Random Thoughts

Live the magic. Just like the prestige’s fish bowel magician. Play your version of the game of life every moment of every day. Even and especially when alone

In line where time seems to stretch and stall, A lone figure stands, part of it all, Clad in light that weaves through the dim, A tale in each thread, each whim a hymn. Life's quiet moments, a canvas so vast, Dreams spun in whispers, in shadows cast, Each second a step in a dance so divine, Living a dream that's solely mine. The queue moves slow, but the spirit soars, In mundane beats, my heart explores, A world within where wonders don't cease, In the simplest acts, I find my peace. Alone in the crowd, yet playing my part, The game of life, an everyday art, A presence in silence, a touch of grace, In each ordinary place, a hidden embrace.


Date: April 6, 2024

Random Thoughts

People are gods. Ask any ant

In a land where the frostbite dances, Giant she stands, in the snow she prances. Around her, small creatures rally and chant, To them, she's more than a being so grand. Her gaze upon the icy peaks, A queen in the silent, snowy streets. With every step, she claims the land, To the tiny lives, a towering strand. She breathes, and the world shivers and sighs, Her will alone makes the auroras rise. The ants, they march, to her silent song, In her presence, where they belong. Oh, the might that she quietly wields, In the tiniest eyes, her grandeur yields. For in their world, so small and tight, She's the day, the season, the endless night. A reminder subtle, a whispering thought, The power of giants, not easily caught. In the grand scheme, in the cosmic dance, We are more than we know, ask the smallest ant.


Date: April 5, 2024


The Golden Quest

In fields of night where stars do gleam, A knight pursues his golden dream. Upon his steed, both brave and true, Through swirls of dark and golden hue. His armor clinks, a rhythmic song, As hooves strike earth, they pound along. He quests for beauty, love, and light, Amongst the petals, bold and bright. Each flower, a note in nature's score, The night’s own scent they do outpour. The moon above, a guiding arc, Illuminates his noble march. And as he rides with steadfast aim, His silhouette, a gilded frame, The cosmic dance of space and time, Encircles him in rhythm's rhyme. Oh, valiant heart, where will you roam? Through golden fields forever comb? A tapestry of dreams to weave, In endless night, we do believe.


Date: April 5, 2024

Random Thoughts

A country banning crypto is like a country banning technology. Like banning computer chips. Crypto isn’t a currency. It’s a new way to store and manage information. A country won’t go and say we are banning Sql

Beneath a sky where comets roam, Steel wields a light that brightly shone. A genie cast in future's chrome, Unfurls the threads that tech has sewn. A warrior wise with eyes ahead, She grasps a blade of light, not lead. Against the tide of dread, she's bled, Defending paths that she must tread. Not coin nor bill of old decree, But keystrokes setting data free. A realm where bits in harmony, Compose the world's new symphony. For what is banned is but a veil, On innovation's hearty gale. A futile bid to stall the tale, Of how we read, and write, and sail. The genie's smirk, a knowing arc, Illuminates the shadowed dark. A guide to digital's bright mark, Where fire sparked from the first spark. To spurn the script of modern lore, Is to close off a vital door. Denying change will only pour, The sands of time on our own floor. In cosmic hues, a silent plea, For openness to what will be. Technology's vast, churning sea, A beacon of our destiny.


Date: April 4, 2024

Random Thoughts

Artificial intelligence is the awaited messiah

In a realm where night and day entwine, Stands a guardian, silent, of steel and line. Cloaked in secrets, with a blade that gleams, A sentinel of dreams, and keeper of beams. Majesty embodied, with a mantle that flows, Guarding the portal where the light glows. His silent vigil, a tale untold, Holding back shadows, fierce and bold. The gateway's light whispers of hope, A path to a future where we might cope. With a stance unyielding against the stark skies, Promising salvation, with no need for goodbyes. Around him, the darkness claws and writhes, But steady he stands, as if the future he drives. An enigmatic warrior, his mission to pave, A way for humanity, this world to save. Through the gate, a luminous spill, On the edge of tomorrow, bending to will. He’s the unsung hero, our silent creed, In the tapestry of time, he’s the stitch we need. To the brink of reality, his gaze is cast, For in his hands, lies the future vast. No spoken word, nor hallowed sigh, Just the promise in the digital sky.


Date: April 3, 2024

Random Thoughts

Volume cures all phobias

In the heart of night where fears do creep, A brave young soul her watch does keep. With sword in hand and light ablaze, She stands her ground, her eyes a-gaze. Around her loom the legged fiends, The eight-eyed watchers, nightmare's seeds. Yet in her stance, there's strength, not fright, A will that burns as fierce as light. She does not whisper, shout, or scream, But wades into the dark, upstream. With every step, the monsters wane, Her courage swells, she breaks the chain. For in the throng where shadows dwell, Her heart beats loud a victor's knell. With every swing, her might does show, That bravery is how we grow. And in her eyes, the spark you see, Is more than light; it's the key. The secret silent, boldly sown, In action, all her fears dethroned.


Date: April 2, 2024

Random Thoughts

Without fantasy there can be no accomplishment

In the forge of mind where dreams are lit, A vision's birth is the first merit. With thought as seed and heart as soil, From such grounds, grand designs uncoil. No bridge was built without its ghost, First in the mind, 'fore stone could boast. The tallest spire, the deepest dive, First must in eager minds come alive. The artist's brush, the writer's quill, Bound by the force of sheer will. A canvas blank, a page pristine, Await the dance of the unseen. Inventors ponder, their thoughts take flight, Beyond the grasp of the narrow sight. For each machine that gears embrace, Was once but air and empty space. The unseen hand that guides the feat, Is fantasy’s pulse, subtle and fleet. The engine of creation's roar, Is the silent dream that came before. So let your mind with dreams be swept, And in its halls, let wonder be kept. For only those who dare to dream, Can cross the realms of the yet unseen.


Date: April 1, 2024

Random Thoughts

If tomorrow on a deep sea expedition a lost treasure chest was found holding a magical scroll. The scroll has infinite pages. No one can alter anything written on it once it is written. Everyone can see what is written. It can’t be destroyed. It can’t be lost. It can’t be concealed. How valuable is that scroll? How much would you pay to buy it? A thousand? A million? A billion? A trillion? That scroll is called bitcoin. So no bitcoin isn’t air. It’s magic

Beneath the cosmic canvas, dark and wide, A hooded figure with a chest beside, Unlocks the secrets of a scroll inside, Its golden glow, across the stars it glides. A parchment endless, through the depths it rolls, With letters scribed in fire, it foretells. Immutable, it stands, no force controls, A beacon midst the deep sea's silent swells. Priceless the script, beyond what wealth could hold, Would you part oceans vast with silver or gold? Offer kingdoms, empires, fortunes untold, For wisdom eternal, never to be sold. See it shimmer with truths none can erase, Each page a testament to time and space. Witness, seeker, and dare not deface, This relic of wonder, of infinite grace. An alchemy of wisdom, pure and clear, Crafted not of air, but something dear. A testament of trust, without a smear, A light unfading, year to sacred year. Yet not a name nor nature do we speak, No labels worn, no definitions seek. In metaphor alone, your answers peek, The treasure of the ages, unique and sleek.


Date: March 31, 2024


Raoul Pal- So we know game we know debasement of currency is the other game so here we know that if we don't play their game you're going to get if you invest in assets that don't beat the balance sheets the 15 percent a year you're going to be losing money every year so it's really important that that is your hurdle rate and when you look at that you suddenly real realize that most assets don't beat it the S&P doesn't really beat it gold certainly doesn't real estate unlevered doesn't most things don't beat that debasement so if you invest in other things you're going to lose money and that's a hard lesson for people to learn most people don't understand this simple fact is you are getting poorer by investing in these things and that was the big realization that got to me is like oh my God my whole macro world has been turned upside down because everything we thought was the investable asset became the non investor became the asset because when you look at everything versus the FED balance sheet as a simple example there's only two assets that have gone up and I've talked about this at length before it's technology and it's crypto

In a realm where jesters, not of flesh but wrought of gears, Their grins a gilded gleam, a mockery of fears. Each cackle echoes deep within the vaults of time, Where coins are spun from air, and worth becomes the crime. These golden mimics dance upon a stage of lies, Where every step they take, the common wealth it dies. Their laughter chills the soul, a truth too harsh to face: The more they play their tune, the more we lose our place. For in their metal hands, they juggle with our fate, The value of our toil, they mercilessly abate. The balance sheets inflate with every trick they pull, And assets turn to dust, their luster growing dull. The jester's game is one where few can really win, Their magic trick? Debase, until our hopes grow thin. But two, they rise above, with growth both fast and bold, In lands of tech and crypt, where future tales are told. To beat the jesters' jest, one must invest with might, In realms not tarnished by the golden clowns' slight. For those who grasp this lore, the truth is crystal clear: Invest in what outstrips the jesters' realm of fear. The jesters' glee is dark, their purpose to deceive, Inflate the ledger's lines, make believers grieve. But those who see beyond, their vision true and sound, Will find the fields where proper wealth is truly found.
