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Date: May 14, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Up must become down. And down must become up

In the realm where shadows twist and sway, A dance of bone beneath the moon's grey ray, Where demons duel with fiery scorn, The world inverts from dusk till morn. Through purple haze, these hellish shades, Wield swords where light and darkness trades. For in this chaos, truth is spun— The strongest steel is forged from none. In this inferno's heart, cries rend the night, Pain molds the soul, endowing might. What seems below, now soars above, In twisted realms, loss breeds love. Embrace the blaze where softness fades, Amongst the dead, true strength parades. Here lies the cost, the price of power— In darkest depths, the brave devour. A spectacle of paradox in each fierce fight, What once was weakness, now alight. In every stroke, and every thrust, Emerges order born from dust.


Date: May 13, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

The first version of yourself you discover. The second version you create

In crimson shade and armor gleam, two beings stand apart, One forged in dawn’s reflective light, the other cloaked in dark. Born from void, the first does rise, a form by fate composed, Molded by the silent pull of forces yet unopposed. Beneath its gaze, a heart alight with nascent, glowing core, A body built by time’s own hand, on life’s uncharted shore. Yet not confined by nature’s bound, this entity shall seek To craft from cosmic dust and dreams, the self that it may be. In shadows deep, the second form, with eyes like ember’s fire, Reveals the art of conscious will, the sculptor of desire. Adorned in threads of choice and chance, it stands a vision new, The architect of its own path, where old gives way to true. So here they face, the past and yet-to-be in stark contrast, The journey from the known to dreamed, from first frame to the last. For every soul begins as clay, untouched by thought or hand, Until the day it shapes itself, by will’s resounding command.


Date: May 12, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

When your life gets interesting enough you stop watching television. When the game of life gets fun enough you stop playing video games

In the verdant realm where secrets dwell, A sage with golden arms walks where the tales swell. His journey vast, through misty glades, Beyond the grasp of shadowed shades. He forges paths where rivers weave, His life a tapestry that breaths weave. No need for crafted tales or rhymes, His existence, a dance through time. With every step upon the stair, He finds a world uncommonly fair. Adventure's heart beats loud and clear, In the pulse of the wild, he holds dear. This sage, in nature's grand embrace, Finds all he needs in the earth’s grace. His days filled with vibrant lore, Where real life offers so much more.


Date: May 11, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

We are prisoners of the perceptions of those around us. Trapped in the roles they assigned us. It is only following the moments in which we reveal that there is far more to us than the tiny label we have been assigned that the perception widens and we are allowed to reveal a bit more of ourselves till new temporary final limits are established

In a realm where darkness veils the sky, A warrior stands, his aura nigh. Bound by chains of silent views, Labels stick as morning dews. His essence lost in shadows cast, By those who judge as they walk past. But in his heart, a light does gleam, Breaking bounds in a silent scream. With every shard, the barriers fall, He rises high, above them all. A soul that fights through stifling ties, Revealing layers beneath the guise. From label to label, they see him change, Yet never grasp, it’s all his range. Each shattered view brings forth a new, A cycle endless, breaking through. This dance of masks, a game so old, Where true selves are rarely bold. Yet he persists, his spirit free, A testament of what can be. In endless quest to prove his worth, Beyond the confines of his birth. A warrior's fight from dusk till dawn, With every break, a new label gone.


Date: May 10, 2024

painting (nadav_rock_2)

A Pact With Autumn

In an autumn realm where whispers wind, Two figures stark, by fate combined. One clad in armor, gold and grand, A fearsome warrior from a distant land. His helmet's horns, like crescent moons, Beneath the sky where darkness looms. A samurai, his armor's gleam, Reflects the stars in a golden stream. Opposite, a wizard wise and old, His robe adorned with azure fold. With beard as white as winter's snow, He holds an apple with a gentle glow. Together in a dance of leaves that fall, Around them, autumn's golden pall. The warrior bends, an earthen knight, Before the wizard, bearer of the light. Their pact, a silent, sacred bond, In whispers through the leaves respond. The magic of a moment caught, In autumn's chill, their stories wrought.


Date: May 10, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

The person I am trying to become will forever outrun me

In the cosmic dance of stars and gleam, Two beings chase, or so they seem, One of verdant hues and tranquil rest, Another ahead, by future's quest. The first adorned in leaf and vine, In his pursuit, forever confined, His outstretched hand grasps for the morrow, Seeking himself, in time borrowed. The second, a shadow just out of reach, Whispers of wisdom he does beseech, A tale of growth that never ceases, In this eternal chase, he finds his pieces. For every stride towards who he'll be, Another path unfolds, and he's set free, An endless race through stardust's weave, The self he seeks, he shall never retrieve. Yet in this chase, the beauty lies, For each new self, another guise, And though he'll never clasp the breeze, He's the sculptor of his destinies.


Date: May 9, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

We are all soldiers in service of the dreams of our younger selves

In a cosmos swirling with neon dreams and light, A giant clad in armor, a sentinel in night, Holds aloft a fragile hourglass, glowing bright, Guided by a child, a keeper of the timeless flight. Astride the cosmic flows, the paths we carve and find, Are whispers of our youth, echoing in the mind, Each step a dance, a puppet's grace, threads intertwined, To the dreams once dreamt in hearts we left behind. The child leads, a silent commander of the scene, His will, a force that bends the time in between, With each grain that falls, his future self is gleaned, A soldier forged by visions only he had seen. Our journeys are but shadows cast by younger glees, In the echoes of our laughter, in the silent pleas, We march, unwitting warriors through cosmic seas, Fulfilling oaths to selves whispered in the breeze.


Date: May 8, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

The reason neo could fly wasn’t because he was the fastest, strongest, toughest or smartest. It was because his mind was most able to break free from the constraints of reality and what a person should not be able to do

In the realm where shadows cling to night, A knight, in scarlet streams so bright, Leaps forth from chains of what we know, Beyond where thought or reason go. No swiftness of his limbs, nor might, Nor armor wrought from darkest plight, But from his mind, unbound and free, Springs forth his rarest potency. Against the world's confining creed, With soul unfettered, he does lead, To realms where only dreamers soar, Where thought transcends, begins to roar. He breaks the bonds with every stride, His very essence magnified. What's deemed impossible to reach, In minds unleashed, finds easy breach. For not by strength alone we rise, But by the dreams that fill our skies. Belief, the wing on which we fly, On paths where limits dare not lie.


Date: May 7, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

The more you practice discipline the better you get at it. Eventually you can’t escape it. It becomes a prison. But the good kind. Like a prison of productivity. One where you choose the walls and the inmates. The kind you don’t want to escape. The kind where you keep building up the walls. Because it’s the best place you’ve ever been and you never want to leave

In clouds of vibrant hues entwined, a portrait framed by will refined, Where discipline's embrace, a cell, wraps 'round a maiden's spell. Her sanctuary made of dreams, where order reigns and purpose teems, A warden of her own design, within the bounds she's drawn the line. The walls she builds each day anew, of habits good and virtues true, A prison that does not confine, but lifts her soul to heights sublime. Her hands the sculptors of her fate, within this cell that love creates, A lock not wrought in iron's chill, but forged by own resilient will. Here, the discipline's a friend, a means to craft, not just to mend, In hues that swirl both night and day, her colors show the brighter way. Each stroke a choice, each choice a stone, in walls that feel like home alone, The freedom found in structure's hold, a story of her making, told. For what's a prison if by choice, where silent walls echo her voice? A citadel of self so dear, where she's the queen and none are near. Not bars of steel nor locks of dread, but lines of life beautifully led, In discipline, her spirit's wings, in structured bounds, her freedom sings.


Date: May 6, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

There is no making fear extinct. There is only overcoming it every single day

Beneath a sky of golden haze, Where clouds like cotton set ablaze, A young boy, wise beyond his days, Casts his line where danger plays. Amidst a sea where sharks do throng, With jaws that snap and tails that throng, He sits serene, both calm and strong, Where fear's song swirls, he sings along. Each dawn, the water's wild call, With scenes that might most hearts appall, Yet every day, he breaks fear’s wall, With courage, he stands tall. For fear, though fierce, will never flee, It swirls like winds that roar at sea, But with each cast, brave and free, He masters fear — the key. Each shark that leaps, each fin that glides, Within the chaos, he confides, That fear is something that abides, Yet daily, he defies. So in this twilight, surreal and stark, A lesson blooms, within this arc: Fear's not a beast to banish dark, But a dance to learn, to make one's mark.
