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Date: February 4, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Only two reasons to mess up a good thing. Either you didn’t know how good it was or you didn’t think you deserved it

In armor clad, 'neath peaks so high, A warrior bold, beneath the sky. With treasure spilled from chests of wood, In silent thought, the figure stood. A cloak aflame with setting sun, A path of gems, his battles won. Yet in his gaze, a storm did brew, A tempest of what he thought he knew. For glory found is glory lost, If not known its worth, its cost. And hearts that beat in chests of steel, May not believe the joy they feel. So stride he might 'cross valley's breath, Confronting ever-looming death. The truth remains for him to see, The worth of good, and what will be. For in the spoils of mountain's throne, Where light from dusk-touched jewels shone. One ponders if he's fit to hold, The life that glitters bright as gold.


Date: February 3, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

It’s always good game to feel nothing

In a dance of hues, 'neath a sky so bright, Two figures embrace, in the pale moonlight. He holds a heart, aloft and away, While feathers and whispers around them play. Elven in grace, with tips of ear, A gentleman's poise, devoid of fear. A lady, her tresses a midnight's stream, Locked in a waltz, as if in a dream. A corset of leather, a waist cinched tight, Her gown, a waterfall of fabric light. His shirt agape, to the zephyr's tune, In colors of frost, 'neath the waning moon. Around them, the doves in freedom's flight, Their feathers a contrast to the endless night. Yet in their hold, what the eye can't glean— Is the void of feeling, unseen, serene. For in this dance of shadow and gleam, All is not as it would truly seem. A touch without warmth, a hold without claim, In this silent ballad, there's no one to blame. For it is a fine play, a practiced art, To dance with another, yet stay apart. In the absence of heart, in the void of pain, It's the finest of acts, to feel not a thing.


Date: February 2, 2024

Quotes (nadav_rock_2)

David Goggins-There Is No Magic Potion

In realms of clash and thunder's roar, Two forces meet, not like before. One cloaked in mystery's deep hood, Holds not a charm, but will of wood. The other, giant, etched in light, A titan born from storm's own might. No bottled spells within his grasp, Just raw power in his clasp. Their dance is fierce, the sky their floor, One truth rings clear amidst the war. No liquid brew can match the might, Of inner strength in nature's fight. No whispered incantations here, Just courage facing down the fear. For in the end, as legends note, True power lies not in a potion's throat.


Date: February 1, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

There will be thousands of harry potter nfts. I just bought the first one ever on the blockchain for a cent

In a market square under soft lamp's glow, A thief in balaclava stoops so low. Amidst the carrots, beans, and humble peas, He finds a trove of diamonds, not to lease. A sack of jute clutched tight in his firm grip, He plucks a gem, a treasure from the slip. A cent once cast, now yields a king's ransom, In silent shades, where light and dark become. Unseen, unheard, a saga does unfold, Of precious things, once meek, now deemed as gold. The wizard's charm, in secret, cast its spell, Where once a penny dropped, now fortunes dwell. A fable here of value yet unknown, A single piece that soon will be full grown. For in this world of constant change and shift, The overlooked may give the greatest gift.


Date: February 1, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

It is dumbfounding how much you can miss a person you know is clearly bad for you

In realms of frost and flame they dance, A passion fierce, a chilling chance, Two beings of such vast expanse, Bound by a fateful, ardent trance. One cloaked in blizzard's icy lace, The other, fire's warm embrace, Their touch, a dangerous interface, Yet in the void, they seek solace. Whirls of water, twists of light, In their union, day meets night, A spectacle of contrasted might, A ballet of elemental plight. For though their essences collide, In the turmoil, they confide, A longing deep, they cannot hide, Despite the hurt they can't abide. So entwined in tumult's brew, The frost and flame, neither subdue, Their dance, a paradox to view, The loss of harmony they rue. In this cosmic, fervent feud, They reveal a truth, however skewed, That even stars, in solitude, Yearn for what is not subdued. A tango of the wild and tamed, A love, though toxic, yet proclaimed, In their tumultuous world, unframed, A paradox of hearts inflamed.


Date: February 1, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

It takes courage to look at reality from its worst angle and not dress it up to be anything different

In a realm where shadows dwell and fears do muster, A knight stands firm, amidst a ghastly cluster. With eyes like moons in bloody skies, unblinking, He holds a sword, with no false hope or sinking. His helm, a crown of eerie orbs, unyielding, To horrors true, his gaze forever wielding. No gentle lie to cloak the dread, unsheathing The blade of truth, through nightmarish mist breathing. Surrounding him, the fiends of nightmare’s weaving, Each eye a soul, the truth of darkness heaving. Yet in his stance, a valor unforgotten, He faces fear, where lesser hearts would soften. No masquerade to hide the grim, or sweeten, The bitter view, where terror’s heart is beaten. The shield he bears, a testament to daring, In wretched light, his courage never sparing. For in the grasp of what most souls would alter, He finds his strength, his resolve does not falter. A sentinel 'gainst falsities so rife, He stands, a beacon of unvarnished life.


Date: February 1, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

There is no fate you can threaten me with

In realms of gold and cosmic might, A figure stands, eclipsed by light. An armor-clad enigma, basked in stars, Wielding time's own scythe, unscarred by scars. Surrounded by the shrouded throng, Their faces masked, their whispers long. They reach with futile grasp and plea, Yet in his gaze, no fear shall be. For he's the master of his soul's domain, No whispered fate can bring him pain. Through threads of destiny, he weaves his art, Each strand a symphony, a separate part. In twilight's court where silence reigns, Among the flowing, golden chains, He stands aloof, his head held high, Underneath the eternal sky. No terror known or to be met, Can shake the pillars of his set. No destiny can hold his will in check, He's the carver of his path, the architect. And so he dwells, where time is thine, In halls where gods themselves align. No fate to threaten, no doom to fear, For he is sovereign, far and near.


Date: January 31, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Go to sleep and leave your life in the hands of your most disciplined self. Set the alarm clock for when there is something worth waking up to

In a forest thick, where dreams do stick, 'Neath boughs that heavy hang, A colossus sits, his rest permits, In twilight's silent twang. His hands, they hold, with care so bold, A basket of dawn's delight, While fruits, they gleam in sunset's beam, As day concedes to night. His discipline, a silent hymn, Through slumber's soft embrace, He trusts his core, to evermore, Keep life at steady pace. For when morn's light breaks night's quiet fight, To his tasks he will wake, To a world that's worth, upon this Earth, For which his dreams partake. So close your eyes, beneath the skies, And let your mind be free, In dreams, we find, a peace of mind, Till morning's light we see.


Date: January 31, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Happiness is like a mountain. The higher you climb the thinner the air. The less time you get to enjoy it. True power lies in feeling content at the base where your work is the most steady. Where there is no descent left. Where things can’t get any worst

Upon a peak where whispers freeze, And climbers seek elusive ease, In ice enthroned, grim faces glare, A gallery of despair. Their silent screams in cold entwined, Where joy is thin as air refined, And climbers high in rarified breath, Find brief delight, then dance with death. Yet strength abides in hearts content, At mountain's foot, no need to vent, No treacherous path, no need to rise, No fall from grace, no tearful eyes. For here below, where dreams may bloom, In steady toil, there's ample room, No precipice to brave or worst, In humble grounds, quenched is the thirst.


Date: January 31, 2024

Quotes (nadav_rock_2)

David Goggins-Because no matter how much you improve, no matter how much you change who you are, it's not permanent. You don't just wake up and say, oh my god, man, you're David Goggins. You break records. You do this. You do that. People want to know, how are you able to just be so hard? Because I never turn the fucking thing off.

In a land where the gears grind and roar, Stands an army, mighty, forevermore. Iron giants with emerald eyes, Bound to their metal, they rise. Mighty they stride across the earth, Unyielding souls from the very birth. Born of steel, and fire, and smoke, Their resolve is firm, never to be broke. "Relentless," whispers the wind that blows, "Persistent," the river that forever flows. They do not rest, they do not yield, Marching on, their fate is sealed. For change is constant, a bitter truth, From the naiveté of youth, To the wisdom that comes with years, Through victories, defeats, and tears. Yet, in their march, they find no end, No pause, no break, no chance to mend. Like the smith's hammer, they must fall, Never off, never soft, answering the call. Iron hearts don't dream of ease, Nor of still waters or a gentle breeze. They beat with the rhythm of the relentless drum, Knowing well that tomorrow may never come. So, look upon these titans, cast in might, They are but us, in another light. Striving, changing, yet ever so tough, For to live with purpose is never enough.
