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Date: April 26, 2024

painting (nadav_rock_2)

The Golem of Twilight Grove

In the grove where the twilight weaves, Lies a golem with leaves for sleeves; With eyes that gleam like rubied fires, And limbs of steel, as dark desires. Beneath a tree with orbs of red, He rests his ancient, horned head; His beard a cascade of the night, Braided with stars, oh what a sight! Mechanized might, in silence bound, In cords of roots, he is gowned; With fingers fine as artisan's tools, In this eerie grove, he silently rules. The snowflakes kiss his cold, blue skin, A fusion where flesh and gears begin; In this enchanted, timeless nook, He is both the legend and the book.


Date: April 26, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Your influence over the world is but an extension of your influence over yourself

In the realm where silence weaves, A creature sits, in peace it breathes, Entwined in self, a tangle of might, Its stillness roars, in whispers it fights. Limbs like rivers, flowing with grace, A willow of muscle, in tranquil embrace, It mirrors the night, an ebony shade, With antlers that reach for dawn's first parade. In meditation's hold, a formidable seat, With every calm breath, the world’s heartbeat, For the power within is the power without, In the core of one's soul, where control sprouts. The mind is a kingdom, where we reign, Where thoughts swirl like a hurricane, Yet in this figure, the tempests cease, Showing mastery’s path to inner peace. To sway the tides of outer spheres, First master oneself, through the years, So gaze upon this meditative stance, And know, within, lies the world's expanse.


Date: April 25, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Slay enough dragons and you become one

In armor wrought from battles past, A knight stands firm, his die is cast. For every dragon felled and scorned, In his soul, a new one born. With scales of valor, claws of might, His human form lost to the night. A metamorphosis, fierce and wild, The dragon's heart claims the child. He fought with fire, fought with blade, In every scar, his debts were paid. But look! Now wings from shoulders sprout, His human scream a dragon's shout. What once was man now breathes with flames, A creature that no fear tames. Behold the price of victories vast, Become the beast you slay, at last. The knight who dragons did ensnare, Finds in the mirror, dragon's stare. For strength like theirs, he yearned to don, Now stands the knight, the dragon's son.


Date: April 24, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

You have to challenge the storm to find out who you are

In the clutch of howling winds, a child did stand, Clad in armor, with a sword in hand. Tiny feet rooted where the brave dare to dream, Facing the squall, part of a greater scheme. With every gust that bent the bough, The child's resolve would not allow A single step back in fear or dread, For within the maelstrom, their spirit spread. 'Gainst the tide of the roaring din, A young heart beats strong within. An untried valor put to test, To see if timorous, or valiantly blessed. Oh, little one 'midst the storm's embrace, Your challenge sings of an ancient grace. Where thunder rolls and the brave may quail, Your spirit, small, sets forth to sail. And thus, the child and tempest dance, A duel of fate and not of chance. For in the struggle, fierce and raw, One's essence blooms, unmarred, unflawed. So let the gales come as they must, And in their fury, we place our trust. For in their wrath, we're sculpted pure, Defined, refined, resolute and sure.


Date: April 23, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Succeed inside and you will succeed outside

In the cosmic track where stars align and gleam, There strides a titan, chasing the stellar dream. With circuits and sinew, a mechanical hulk, Its inner self, triumphant, with a trophy to sulk. This giant, this force, where the galaxies bend, Is more than its steps, or the paths that it wends. Inside, there's a man with a spirit that roars, With skulls as his chorus, he victoriously soars. His outer stride mighty, vast as the night, Is but a reflection of his inner fight. For what's won within, in the silence of space, Projects its power in the outermost race. Through nebulae's whispers and black hole's deep calls, The inner man's conquest is what truly enthralls. The monster's mere vessel for the soul that’s unfurled, For winning inside is what conquers the world.


Date: April 22, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Only way to beat an addiction is to care about something else more

In the verdant cradle of Mother's Embrace, Where blooms and leaves weave a tender space. A seed within, with life's gentle trace, Cradled by love, in nature's soft lace. A shadow looms, with talon and wing, The demon of want, a dark, twisted thing. Addiction's foul breath, and the despair it can bring, Yet she stands unyielded, to the life within cling. For in her womb, a future takes flight, A stronger pull than the demon's night. A battle unseen, yet fought with the light Of a mother's love, her heart's endless might. With each leafy fold, a barrier, a shield, To the specter's advance, she shall not yield. For the emotion she harbors can't be concealed, Her commitment to life is forever sealed. And thus, she stands, a testament, a sign, That from the darkest grip, we can all realign. For when a greater love in our hearts intertwine, Even addiction’s chains, we can redefine.


Date: April 21, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Strength is infectious. Thoughts of my future infect my present

In the realm of dreams and valor's test, A child before a giant stands abreast. No fear within his heart, just silent awe, Facing what seems a future without flaw. With sword in hand, the little warrior's stance, Mocks not the mighty one's electric dance. For strength begets strength in the cosmic dance, Present to future in a steadfast glance. The lightning's arc, a bond of power shared, A loop of might that's by the dreamer dared. The child's gaze, into the vortex deep, Sows seeds of courage that his soul will reap. The giant's frame, a fortress tall and vast, A silhouette of what will be amassed. And from this sight, the boy's resolve does glean, A future self in present thoughts unseen. He stands unyielding, bold, without dismay, As echoes of his future self convey. That strength is more than muscle, bone, and sinew, It's the spirit's fire that continues to renew. And so the boy, with dreams as his compass, Draws from his future strength that’s boundless. For in the company of giants, one's might Is not just drawn from sight but inner light. Through time's thin veil, the echoes resonate, "Grow strong," they whisper, "and dare to be great." For strength is caught, not just in muscle's weave, But in the visions that our hearts believe.


Date: April 20, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

You can have anything you want in this universe. It just comes with a price you’re probably not willing to pay

In a realm of midnight hues and stardust sheen, A being thrived, where hearts are seldom seen. Its wings a canvas of the cosmos' gleam, A creature of the night, a whispered dream. This faerie of the twilight, bold and fair, With skin like moonlit silver, starry hair, Its eyes, a depth of space no light could mare, Held in its hands a choice beyond compare. With tendrils coiled, a throne of power sought, In exchange for the love its heart had brought. It rendered its own pulse to nether naught, For dominion over shadows it fought. Its heart, a crimson pebble, dropped in tide Of ambitions vast as stars it could not hide. What cost for dreams in endless nights abide? The trade of life's own essence, self-denied. The universe proclaims, in silent scope: "All is yours to hold, to touch, to hope." Yet silently it warns, on downward slope, The steepest dreams come tethered with a rope. So ponder, mortal, on this creature's lore, Each wish you whisper opens fate's own door. But brace for prices you've not braved before, For in your grasp, you'll yearn for something more.


Date: April 19, 2024

painting (nadav_rock_2)

Fantasia Of Fire

In a realm where colors dance and swirl, A creature of fire with a twist and twirl, With scales of night, eyes like moonlit pearls, Guarding the gates where the mystic unfurls. Its claws are of onyx, etched with tales, Against a tempest, its roar prevails. In its maw, a universe pales, A beast of legend, where fantasy sails. Golden orbs and copper streams, Weave through its mane in vibrant dreams. A tapestry of thought it seems, In the tapestry of night, it gleams. Behold the dragon of boundless might, In the canvas of day, in the shroud of night. A vision of wonder, an artist's delight, A fantastical creature in eternal flight.


Date: April 19, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Life is war and you can’t allow yourself to get soft in the ceasefires

In the hourglass of existence, grain by grain, Time slips through life's unyielding terrain. A titan kneels, each muscle an ode, To the ceaseless battles and the paths erode. Born from fires that burn the night, A demon looms in the glass, a menacing sight. His visage, a stark reminder, a harrowing lore, Of ceaseless strife that life has in store. The titan's fists clinch, his resolve a cast, Aware that tranquility is but a fragile mast. In the sands of time, a warrior’s testament, To the looming wars, his spirit's permanent rent. Bats flit about in the shadow's embrace, As the titan girds his soul for the coming race. The hourglass whispers of the wars to spawn, A vigil between storms, from dusk till dawn. In every grain, an impending fight, A journey through day, a sojourn through night. In the silent pauses, strength he gleans, A warrior molded in interim dreams. Each sand’s descent, a knell to heed, A summons to the warrior, a call to lead. For life’s a forge and peace, but a bower, A training ground for the titan's power.
