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Date: February 21, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Humanity did not earn nor does it deserve decentralization. All the same it is here

In a realm where data streams as rain, A robed figure raises flame to the digital domain. In hands, a beacon burning bright, Against a giant's clutch, an ethereal light. Within this cryptic, virtual space, A diamond gleams with cypher's grace. Contained, a power vast and wide, A force that time cannot divide. The mage, a guardian of keys untold, Before the monolith, bold and cold. His torch, a symbol of an age-old fight, For a truth that dawns, devoid of right. No claim of merit, nor of due, The shift arrives like morning dew. Silent and profound it spreads its seed, Beyond the grasp of human greed. The magic cast, the spell is spun, The era of the many, not the one. A gift or burden, who's to say? Yet, onward it moves, come what may.


Date: February 20, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Failures are the countdown to success

In a realm where echoes dance and sway, A spiral stair takes breath away, Where robed figures climb and bend, In a timeless march that never ends. At the base, a lone figure dares to dream, Holding stars within a soft gleam, Each step, a tale of trials untold, Of whispered secrets and courage bold. The journey's etched in every rise, A testament to falls, and reprise, For every misstep, a lesson's kiss, A silent step towards apex bliss. The cloaked ascent in silent cheer, Embarks anew, devoid of fear, For in each fall, a lesson's seed, In failure's soil, success's deed. So let the climb be steep and long, Each falter, fuel to grow strong, Within the climb, the truth we glean, Defeats are but steps unseen. The spiral winds, an endless quest, Where every test becomes a zest, For at the peak, the view's sublime, Proof that hope outlasts the climb.


Date: February 19, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Expect great things, and you might just notice when they fall at your feet.

In the gloom of old ship's debris, A goblin with eyes wide with glee, Clutching a gem clear and bright, Underneath the dim moonlight. He dug with a shovel, bold, Unearthed a chest of glittering gold. A testament to his belief, That fortune smiles on the thief. For who dares with hope to tread, Upon paths where fears oft lead, May find that fate kindly seats, Wonders rare at their very feets. With goggles perched upon his head, A bandana red as fiery lead, He grins at luck's sweet retreat, In the midst of ruin, a treasure complete. So dream of riches, vast and deep, And in your journey, they may creep, Silently, as night does sweep, To lay at your toes, for you to keep.


Date: February 18, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Don’t live shortcut to shortcut or you’ll end up taking the longest road of all

In a realm where dusk and dawn entwine, A knight stands guard, both fierce and fine. His gaze cast long across the vale, Where shadows dance and light grows pale. His armor gleams 'neath twilight's kiss, A sentinel in the abyss. The thorns around, both sharp and stark, A maze of life's more arduous arc. No shortcuts found in this twilight dance, Each step he takes, not left to chance. For he knows well the winding way, Leads truest at the close of day. The tree aglow with sunset's fire, Speaks of goals and pure desire. To reach such heights, one must not bend, To fleeting paths that falsely end. The journey's truth lies in the stride, Not in the leaps of foolish pride. For in the end, when all is tallied, The longest road is oft most vallied. So onward through the thorns he goes, A path of truth, as his heart knows. No shortcut sweet shall turn his head, For honor is his daily bread.


Date: February 17, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Don’t let people tell you who you are are in your story just because you are someone else in theirs

In a field where the spellbound play, A young mage stands bold, amidst the fray. With a starry hat and a gaze so fierce, He bends the cosmos, the skies to pierce. Around him, peers with bats and brooms, Caught in their roles, a crowd assumes. But he, unique, in his craft does trust, Defying the script that others discussed. No whispered doubt can sway his art, Nor can the chorus play his part. For in the tale that he weaves alone, His will is king, his spirit, his own. In every throw, in every spell, He breaks the mold, he weaves it well. So remember this, as you write your verse, Be the author of your universe.


Date: February 16, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

If you never lose you are playing it too safe

In a land where the mountains meet the skies, A giant sits, his throne so wide and high. His gaze is stern, his presence none defies, A monarch ruling 'neath the open sky. Armored soldiers, a sea of tiny might, Stand round his feet, their spirits brave and bold. Yet in their eyes, there's not a spark of fright, For they've not ventured past their ruler's hold. This king, adorned with gold and jewels rare, Whose whispers roar like thunder through the air, Has never known the sting of true despair, Nor the lessons that come from wear and tear. A ruler unchallenged, in comfort's snare, Who never dances with the wild and free. His victories, though many, seem to bear A hollow ring, where risk refuses to be. For in the safety of his vast domain, He reigns supreme, no losses to his name. But in this fortress where he shall remain, The thrill of true conquest is but a flame. So hear, ye souls who wish to grow and win, The greatest trials come from deep within. To never fall, to stay where you've been, Is to stagnate, not letting growth begin.


Date: February 15, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

The greater the progress the smaller the relapse

In a room where magic and mirth collide, A tipsy mage with his spellwork wide, Arrows of light, a spectacle bright, Deflecting away with much delight. Boots kicked up, and a hat so grand, His laughter echoes, mug in hand, Around him, potions and ale dispersed, A testament to spells conversed. Each sip he takes, a story unfolds, Of arcane arts and adventures bold, Yet with each draught, the aim grows less, A gentle reminder of excess. For with great leaps in mystic arts, A minor slip can thwart new starts, The higher the climb, the fall feels worse, Yet each recovery is a universe. In this portrait of a wizard's spree, Lies a truth as old as prophecy, Advancement's path is rarely straight, A stumble small, does not seal fate. So, toast the mage, who knows too well, That progress is not a simple spell, It winds and turns, sometimes it lapses, But each step forward, the past it clasps.


Date: February 14, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Destiny cannot be chased by taking a mellow walk through the meadows but in taking giant leaps over terrifying chasms

In roiling waves, where demons dwell, A knight's bold saga, let us tell. Through surging tides of shadow's crest, He leaps, his fate to manifest. Not strolling through the fields of ease, But vaulting gaps that chill the breeze. Each wave a hurdle, fierce and vast, He forges destiny with each cast. No meek traverse shall mark his trail, But daring bounds that weave the tale. Where lesser hearts may pause and quake, His armored will no fear shall shake. A tempest's dance of dark and light, His sword a beacon through the night. The chasm's threat beneath him lies, His leap of faith cleaves through the skies. The monsters roar, their fangs they flash, Against his shield their hopes shall crash. For in this dance of fate and fear, His courage sings for all to hear. In every swell, in every trough, His valor speaks, ne'er to slough. For destiny is not a prize, But conquest won in daring rise.


Date: February 13, 2024

Quotes (nadav_rock_2)

Andrew Huberman-Most people don't know this, but there's a brain structure called the anterior mid-cingulate cortex. As we pointed out before, that's a noun. It's a name. It doesn't mean anything. We could call it the Cookie Monster. But what's interesting about this brain area is there are now a lot of data in humans, not some mouse study, showing that when people do something they don't want to do like add three hours of exercise per day or per week or when people who are trying to diet and lose weight resist eating something, when people do anything that they, and this is the important part, that they don't want to do, it's not about adding more work. It's about adding more work that you don't want to do. This brain area gets bigger. They stuck a little wire during neurosurgery into this structure. This was actually discovered by a colleague of mine, Joe Parvizi. Stimulate. And the patients go, I feel like there's a storm coming. And they go, oh, is it scary? And they go, no, I want to go through it.

In a warrior’s stance, with eyes that blaze, A tempest roars, setting the sky ablaze. Sword in grip, a sentinel of might, He faces storms that come with night. A hidden land within, unseen, untold, Where battles of will are fiercely bold. A place unmarked by name or face, Yet grows with trials, a secret space. This inner world, it swells and thrives, On tasks we dread, it feeds, it derives. When we push past wants, past inner pleas, It rises up, like mighty seas. For in our toil against desire's call, A strength is forged, amidst the squall. A silent storm, a challenge met, A forge of soul, in sweat, beset. A tempest churns, not in the skies, but deep within, Where no attire gleams, nor flesh is seen. In silence fierce, the inner battles spin, A space unmarked, where quiet storms have been. Through howling winds, our spirits soar, Not with fear, but a thunderous roar. To brave the gale, to endure the test, In the heart's deep forge, our resolve is blessed.


Date: February 12, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Define yourself as brave and you will always do the brave thing when the time comes

In a realm where fire and ice entwine, A warrior bold, with a sword that shines, Leaps ‘cross the chasm, vast and wide, Where fears and doubts dare not reside. A beast of flame with eyes a-glow, Its wings unfurled, the sky’s fierce foe, Stands stark against the warrior's aim, A picture of the wild untamed. The sword aloft, a beacon bright, Cuts through the veil of endless night. For in the heart that courage sows, The bravest path is always chose. Against the odds, against all fear, The leap is made, the heart steers clear. No words need speak of valor's claim, For actions alone, the brave name. In every step, in every turn, The brave within, forever burns. So leap, oh leap, into the fray, For valor’s heart leads the way.
