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Date: February 11, 2024

Quotes (nadav_rock_2)

David Goggins-See, people are haunted. But they obviously like horror films because they keep watching the same fucking movie. I don't like horror films. A lot of people like horror films. So I don't say much to them. I say exactly what I said to you right there. Because I was once you. I didn't like horror films, so I changed it.

In shadowed corners where whispers dwell, Through the creaking doors, where fear does swell. Souls tread lightly, on edge, they roam, In the flickering light of a haunted home. Ghostly figures with eyes like coals, Haunt the living, ensnaring souls. Yet among us, some stand firm, unafraid, Facing night terrors until they fade. For though the heart may race with fright, Some find solace in the ghastly night. A paradox of fear, where dread is sought, In the silver screen's chilling thought. The bravest warriors, they make the shift, From fearing shadows to embracing the gift. For if dread lingers and one must change, Seek the thrill where spirits range. A steadfast guardian in the darkened hour, Who wields the light with newfound power. Dispelling demons that with malice gleam, Changing the script of the recurring dream. So let the haunted find their peace, In tales of horror where fears release. For in the end, our own ghosts we face, And in confronting them, find our grace.


Date: February 10, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Champions are not born the best. They are made by each time reaching their limit and pushing beyond

In the forest deep where shadows creep, Three lions roar, while one man keeps. His stance is bold, his heart alight, With every scar, he earns his right. No crown of gold upon his head, His glory's found in toil instead. In every step, the path he paves, With sweat and blood, the champion braves. No fate ordained by stars above, His will is forged in fires of love. For every time he meets his end, He rises up and fights again. The beasts may howl, the rivers rush, The warrior stands, in silence hush. With arrow nocked and blade in hand, He makes his mark upon the land. Not birthed in light, nor throned in ease, His title's earned on bended knees. And in this dance with fate and chance, The mighty rise by circumstance. So hear the tale of forest king, Whose might and mettle in song we sing. No destiny but that he writes, With every wrong he sets to rights. A champion true, not born, but made, In trials by fire, his strength displayed. Through limits reached and passed anew, This is the song of warriors true.


Date: February 9, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Tactics 101. You dont tell an enemy they are your enemy

In a realm where clouds meet the land, Two players with cards in hand, One with wings of purest white, The other, dark as the abyssal night. He, with a brow both sharp and stern, Horns and eyes that fiercely burn, Wields a smile, secrets untold, His fiery gaze, confident and bold. She, an angel, grace in her seat, With lace and leather, bittersweet, Guns and aces, her silent plea, In this celestial gamble, what will be, will be. Not a word of enmity spoken, Yet their true selves unbroken, In each heart, knowledge deep and sly, A foe is there, no need to decry. So with a flutter and a demonic grin, They play their hands, neither to lose or win, In the dance of strategy, where silence is key, They mask their war, for neither enemy to see. With each card's fall and the table's turn, In their eyes, the untold stories burn, A duel of minds, without a spoken word, In the art of war, unspoken is the sword.


Date: February 9, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

If you are being underestimated it means your'e doing something right

Amidst the race of time and light, Where shadows fall with silent might, One sits alone, bereft of fanfare, Undervalued, yet unaware. With boots aglow in verdant flare, A silent strength, they cannot pare, For in the thrum of pulsing race, There lies a power in tranquil grace. The titans dash with fervor blind, Their prowess loud, for all to find, Yet true might dwells in quiet sight, The unsung hero bides their night. The underestimated force, Moves not with noise, but steady course, In silence lies their covert fight, They shine their brightest out of sight. So heed the tale of silent might, For those unseen, they fly their kite, In understatement, there is light, An inner fire, burning bright.


Date: February 9, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Life is an all in bet. Whether you have the stones or not

In a chamber dark and set apart, Where shadows dance and whispers start, A circle formed of cloaked dismay, Grim figures bet their bones away. No flesh, no breath, just sockets deep, They play a game where stakes are steep, With cards and coins, their fortunes cast, In silence of the spectral past. A fearless gamble, all concede, With every hand, their fate they heed, No turning back, the deal is made, On destiny's sharp edge, they trade. For life's a wager, bold and blind, A leap into the void, you'll find, The bold will play with what they've got, While time laughs last, in this grim lot. A game of chance, no stone unturned, With every move, a lesson learned, In life or death, the risk is sown, For all is bet when dice are thrown.


Date: February 9, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Like schrodinger cat love is both real and unreal till it is tested

Upon a bridge in twilight's hold, Where bubbles show both young and old. A couple strides 'neath starry skies, Past orbs that hold where destiny lies. This love they share, a silent pact, A force unseen, yet deeply act. In each sphere's glow, a tale untold, Of love that's warm, and sometimes cold. It hovers there, in spaces in between, In realms of might-have-been and keen. Until it's tried, like tempered steel, It's neither wound nor salve to heal. In every step and hand in hand, They journey through this mystic land. Their bond unproven, like whispered lore, Alive, yet questioned, evermore. For only when the heart's put to the test, Does love show its truest zest. As real as the touch of a lover's kiss, Or as fleeting as a near-miss. So onward march the dreamer pair, In realms that breathe with magic air. Their love, a riddle wrapped in sight, In the embrace of endless night.


Date: February 9, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

My idols are all monsters of their craft

In the land of giants, bold and vast, Where mountains touch the skies, A young archer grips his bow so fast, With dreams that never die. His gaze is fixed on titans tall, Their shadows cast in craft, Great heroes, one and all, Whose legend is his raft. Their bows are strung with wisdom's thread, Arrows carved from ancient lore, In every step, the ground they tread, Speaks of myths and more. No words need tell, their art declares, Monarchs of the arc they bend, Each shot a story, none compares, To the power they commend. The archer stands, both small and brave, In awe of those before, With every breath, he yearns to crave, What these legends bore. Their prowess whispers through the wind, Their strength in stones is carved, In seeking their kin, he's aligned, With spirits unstarved. A journey long, through peaks and troughs, Where only eagles dare, He follows paths that others scoff, With steadfast, silent care. For in his heart, he knows the truth, That giants pave the way, Their monstrous skill, eternal youth, Guides his humble fray. So he'll walk the path, with eyes ablaze, And in his idols' craft, he'll maze, For they are beacons through the haze, Monsters of skill, in which he'll gaze.


Date: February 9, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

If you can’t figure out who your opponent really is. What they want and what they are capable of then you stand little chance at victory

In a land where giants might dwell, And in their shadows, we seem so frail, There lies a tale that one must tell, Of battles fought beyond the pale. With every step, the ground would quake, Beneath the titan's watchful gaze, For every move you dare to make, He reads the end of your days. Know thine foe, their silent creed, Their desires, their silent roar, For in the game of power and deed, Knowledge is the art of war. Without a grasp of the enemy's mind, Or the reach of their hidden hand, You'll find yourself to fate resigned, Lost in the giant's land. So tread with care, oh wary knight, In the caverns of the heart's deceit, Victory favors those who fight, With wisdom's light as their feat. For those who walk in ignorance's bliss, Against the giants they cannot see, Shall find the truth in the abyss, Where defeat is the only guarantee.


Date: February 8, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

I just never feel like i deserve a vacation

In a forest shrouded, still, and vast, A spectral figure, bound to its task. With hooded shroud and bony grasp, Forges magic in each clasp. Amidst a sea of swords aglow, Underneath the emerald boughs' shadow, It toils without respite or cheer, Eternally bound, year after year. No whisper of wind nor bird's refrain Disturbs the silence of the domain. The anvil's ring, the only sound, As sparks of sorcery abound. Each blade, a testament to its plight, A glowing beacon in the night. But rest or pause it shall not find, An endless duty, tightly twined. For in this craft, it finds no end, No time for self, nor to mend. A vacation's breath, it cannot seize, In the relentless pursuit of its silent decrees.


Date: February 8, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

All too often in risking less you risk it all

In fields where daisies sway and tall pines stand, A path diverges in this vibrant land. To the left, a route so fair and bright, Where blossoms dance in the gentle light. To the right, a tunnel, shadows creep, Where fears awake and nightmares seep. Tentacles thrash and dark eyes gleam, In this eerie passage of a darker dream. Brave souls venture where monsters dwell, As hearts beat fast under their spell. For in the chase of a safer stroll, One might just lose the braver soul. So take the step, though risks appall, In caution's shade, the brave might fall. For oft in paths too safe and small, In seeking less, one risks it all.
