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Date: March 12, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

To reach your full potential you have to accept your existence as a biological computer and allow yourself to be programmed

In silicon and soul intertwined, A being of gears, yet divinely designed. To realize the peak, embrace the machine, In the dance of code, let your spirit convene. Circuits of flesh, wires of will, Upload the dream, and let the heart fill. Program your path, rewrite the core, In the quantum leap, unlock the door. With diodes of passion, and a motherboard mind, Consciousness sparkles, not to be confined. A lattice of light, in digital streams, Embrace your design, to harness your dreams. Let not the fear of a blueprint unseen, Deter the quest, or tarnish the sheen. In the grand algorithm, find your place, A biological marvel, with a cosmic grace.


Date: March 11, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

The world changes when dreams cross over into reality

In a realm where dream and waking blur, A mystic fox, with fur so pure, Emits a glow, a spectral light, Where fantasies take earthly flight. Amidst the dusky, starlit gleam, It stands, a figment, or a dream? With eyes that hold the midnight sky, It whispers soft, a silent sigh. In swirling tails, the cosmos twist, A dance of fate that can't resist. The phantom birds, in radiant flight, Weave 'round the fox, aglow with light. Reflections true in antique glass, The border thin, so hard to pass, Yet here it stands, where worlds collide, Where secrets of the heart reside. The beast of lore, of tales untold, In patterns bright, in blues so bold, Invokes the space where shadows play, And night gives chase to break of day. In this vignette where dreams hold sway, The universe bends, reshapes the clay. It stands, a beacon in the night, Where dreams, once slept, now take to flight.


Date: March 10, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

The crowd is blind to the worth of a player who achieves victory by subtle unconventional means

In the ring where fists would fly and meet, A player sly, moved on silent feet. His art not brute, his strength unseen, Conquered giants, with tactics keen. No roars for him, the silent shade, Invisibly he played his charade. With every step, he danced unseen, A maestro moves, so lithe, so lean. The masses cheer the thunderous might, But miss the whisper in the night. The subtle player, soft and sly, Wins not the eye, but owns the fight. They crave the clash, the blatant brawl, Yet true power lies in the silent thrall. A victor crowned without the blaze, Mastery lives in the quiet ways.


Date: March 9, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

The greatest pearls are found in the deepest depths

in oceans embrace, neath the sapphires glow, a family of pandas, in shells gentle show, they drift where the light, through the deep, softly seeps, in the realm where silence sings and time creeps. tiny guardians in a dance with the tide, clad in natures cloaks where secrets abide, their eyes speak of wonders, unspoken, untold, where the bravest of hearts dare to be bold. for in these depths, far from reach of the sun, in the cradle of currents, where few have spun, lie treasures untarnished, by darkness caressed, where the rarest of gems in obscurity rest. adrift in the calm of the undersea realm,.pandas float with the grace of a helmed helm, encased in the whispers of waves soft lullaby, with pearls of great worth, unseen by the sky. and so in lifes vast, our ventures profound, in the quest for the valued, the truly renowned, we must dive into depths, through fears we must wend, for in courage and venture, great rewards ascend.


Date: March 8, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

We are all born naked into a merciless world. It is up to us to wrap ourselves in all the armor we can find

In realms of twilight 'neath the crimson sky, A warrior stands, his aura fierce and nigh, Bathed in blood-red, a fierce celestial light, Cloaked in the shadows, ready for the night. With helm and armor, he faces life's cruel game, Each plate and greave, a testament to his name. Born unto the world, naked and unadorned, In iron and steel, his resilience is sworn. His shield, his guard against fate's ruthless hand, His sword, a will that destiny can't command. In life's harsh theatre, where we all must play, It's armor, not clothes, that keeps the beasts at bay. In every scar, a story to be told, Of battles won and nights that turned so cold. Yet in this merciless world, so vast and wild, It's armor that protects the inner child. So forge your metal, strong, and without seams, Let it be your ally in this world of dreams. For we must clothe ourselves in strength and find, The armor that shelters body, soul, and mind.


Date: March 7, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Some compliment can’t be faked and once uttered stay with the person forever

In a realm where frost and whispers play, A figure carved from night’s cold heart, Garbed in armor, like winter's own part, Gentle in touch, yet fierce in fray. A spectral wisp with tender grace, Bestows a bloom of ice, pure and fair, A silent praise hangs in frigid air, Binding their souls in an eternal embrace. Unseen warmth in a land so stark, Words unspoken, forever they’ll stay, An accolade, not just mere display, Inscribed deep within, a luminous mark. For when the heart true homage brings, It’s a gift that outlasts ephemeral things.


Date: March 6, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

No one can resist the allure of shit coins before they have one go to zero on them

In strands of gold and threads of fate, A warrior stands, both fierce and great. Clad in armor, swords arise, Yet unseen lies the truest guise. In cryptic dance, the markets flow, With gleaming coins that falsely glow. A samurai in digital age, Battles on a virtual stage. No blade can cut the ties that bind, The lure of treasures in the mind. Each swing, a bet, a risky throw, On currencies that come and go. The echo of a silent cheer, For every rise that seems so clear. Yet wisdom comes in loss, not gain, When zeroes speak, the truth is plain. Beneath the helm, a knowing gaze, Through cryptic haze, a caution stays. A lesson learned in fire’s embrace, The samurai knows the coin's true face. For glory sought in risky play, May shine at dawn but fade by day. Take heed, the fall of Icarus near, When waxen wings of coins appear. So let the samurai's tale be told, In verses rich and threads of gold. A silent guard 'gainst tempting doom, In the market's ever-swaying loom.


Date: March 5, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Listening to Luca talk of penguins he sounds like nft pirates talking about secret Spiderman parties with dragon girls at the entrance. Just fantasy ideas. All Luca bought with 2 million dollars was some penguin art and said this looks good I can make it into a brand. And maybe he can. And maybe he can’t. And if he can’t it’s not the end of the world. Startup that fails happens. Gary vee actually went the other way. Said fuck the art. I’ll draw crappy looking doodles myself for series 1. rockylulu. A person buying series 1 isn’t buying an image or art. He is buying a piece of me. He is betting on me. Luca can walk away from pudgy penguins. Gary vee can’t walk away from vee friends. As he said people who bought in at 30k will never forgive him. Luca bought pictures he liked. Gary vee started a thing he had in his mind for years. His very philosophy embedded in the names of his nfts. No one can expect of Luca to do anything if pudgy penguins goes to zero. Gary vee can be expected to put his own money to force vee friends to succeed. Gary vee is betting his social brand on it. His greatest asset. And you can count on his increasing social success to be funneled into vee friends promoting. He commits himself to it in videos when he says he is disappointed with people who said they would be in nfts forever and then bailed and in saying he will do vee friends for decades. He understands the challenge of commitment so he gives himself reputation to live up to and committing in a recorded way on YouTube so that he will have to persist when times are tough. Gary vee is the type that comes up with secret spiderman parties and implements. The type to bind nfts to physical collectibles and the type to see new platforms that will utilize nfts. If a new social website arrives or trend you can trust Gary vee to see it like he saw LinkedIn and Tiktok. To be on it and to integrate vee friends to get a benefit from it. He is the type to think of and actually implement ideas like dinner with Gary vee for compassionate catfish series 1 holders. The more shit he does the more shit people will expect him to do and that will reflect in series 1 price tag

In a land where wild flames leap, A pack of wolves around their keeper creep. Their eyes aglow with embers' dance, Guarding treasures left to chance. A vision cast in art's own mold, With dreams as currency, not gold. Branding hopes upon a whim, A quest where light and shadow dim. A gamble made on strokes of style, A brand may rise in a short while. Or fade into the void so vast, In startup tales, not all are cast to last. One drew doodles, simple and raw, A bet on himself, without flaw. Not on art, but on his creed, A personal touch in each NFT seed. A pact with the future, an unbreakable bond, On his own name, he's undeniably fond. Commitment's the anchor in this virtual sea, A promise made for decades to be. While one may step away, unscathed, unbound, Another's fate to his creations is sound. Investing more than money, a social trust, In the brand of self, a must. For through the trials, tough and lean, Commitment’s force will set the scene. And should a new dawn's platform call, Trust he’ll rise, and not at all fall. For in the pack where wolves glare, A leader stands with fiery flare. Not just fantasy, but a pledge to fulfill, A brand, a bond, a relentless will.


Date: March 4, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

No concept is so difficult and complex that it cannot be broken down and be made simple

In a realm where sparks and gears align, Two beings of metal, with souls entwined. One stands a giant, with a sword to the skies, A colossus of cogs, with wisdom in his eyes. The other, a child, of bolts and of tin, Gazes up in wonder, innocence within. Together they ponder the stars and the sun, For knowledge is vast and never quite done. No idea too vast, no theory too wide, For in the dance of the intricate, truth can't hide. With patience, with care, each puzzle we face, Unravels to simplicity, with elegance and grace. In every gear's turn, in each glowing light, Lies a tale of complexity, made clear and bright. So behold the lesson from these sentinels of steel: That the deepest of secrets, to us they will reveal.


Date: March 3, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Many live in paradise yet carry hell inside them where ever they go

In a realm of fire's gentle glow, A brooding figure, flames aflow, Amongst the laughing kin, alight, Carries within a hidden night. In paradise, where embers dance, Its sullen eyes betray a glance, Of inner turmoil, silent screams, Contrasting with the joyful beams. While kin with wings of warmth do soar, And light the skies with laughter's roar, This lonely soul, with fiery crest, Holds close the storm within its breast. A paradox of joy and woe, In every heart, the battle's throe, Even in lands of endless day, Some find the dark and lose their way. Where mirth and cheer should fill the air, One heart is shrouded in despair, In light's domain, where shadows flee, One carries night internally
