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Date: January 30, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Improve all individuals just 1 percent and you change the world

In a dance of iron, 'neath a globe of blue, Giants of metal, in a circle drew. With mankind at their feet, so small, so grand, A silent symphony, at their command. Each bolt and gear, a testament to dream, To lift our world, in esteem. For each small step, a tiny rise, Brings forth a change, beneath the skies. Not in leaps, but in the slightest shift, A collective climb can mend the rift. And should each soul rise, just a shade, A new world's foundation shall be laid. In unity's embrace, they stand so bold, A tale of progress, quietly told. Where every change, minute and slight, Illuminates the dark, with new light.


Date: January 29, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Most wolves are too lonely to admit to themselves they aren't sheep

In a hall of stone where whispers creep, Sit learners feigning gentle sheep. Their guises fair, their grins discreet, Hiding the wolf beneath the fleece. Each a shadow 'neath the sun's bright weep, Their nature cloaked, their wildness steep. Eyes that glimmer with a furtive sheen, Cloaked in innocence, not what they seem. Among the desks, they silently concede, To play the part, to not let on their breed. For within the fold, they bide and hide, Their truest selves kept locked inside. The wolf walks hidden in daylight's realm, With careful steps, not to overwhelm. Yet in their gaze, a spark betrays The solitary hunter's ways. In this charade, they find a strange relief, Forgetting the fang, the claw, the thief. But deep within, the truth is kept, Of the pack they were, before they wept. For even wolves can don the mask, In sunlit rooms, in learning's grasp. Yet when the moon climbs high and steep, The wolf inside stirs from its sleep. And so they sit, with silent yearn, Their nature waits for the tide to turn. With every lesson, every rule, The wolf within plays the patient fool. But never lost, just out of sight, Is the wild within, holding its might. For though they sit with the sheep so meek, The wolf is there, but does not speak.


Date: January 29, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Being more than people can see simply means victory in some games is assured

In a tavern's dimly lit room, a contest brews, A hooded figure, his presence subtly infuse, With spectral might cloaked in mortal guise, Challenging the brawn, where the real power lies. To onlookers, merely a man, his stature quite plain, Arm wrestling with vigor, his victory to feign, But oh, what secrets beneath that cloak do sleep, For he wields a strength, arcane and deep. The other contenders, unaware of the ruse, Compete with their flesh, destined to lose, For beneath the cowl, an enigma does stir, A force unseen, a victorious whisper. Strength is not always what the eyes can meet, Invisible might makes the triumph more sweet, And in this quiet duel of force and will, The hooded enigma holds the power to kill. Yet he competes in silence, a phantom in the fray, Assured in his victory, come end of day, For in games of deception and hidden might, The unseen force prevails, shrouded from sight.


Date: January 29, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

We are all born once. A lucky few get born again at rock bottom

In a cavern of silence, under the world's frown, Where the whispers of depth to the shadows are thrown, A soul at the chasm, with hope tightly bound, Reaches for light where the dark is overthrown. Steep are the cliffs, and the footing unsure, Yet the spirit alights, like a bird taking flight, For in the abyss, where the heart is most pure, A second dawn breaks at the edge of the night. From the rock's lowest cradle to the heights he does leap, Where the crystals of fate to the brave do unfold, And the outcast of fortune, once buried so deep, Finds a phoenix's fire in the cold. So believe, oh ye weary, at the end of your rope, There is magic in struggle, in the vastness you cope, For each end is beginning, in vast caverns of hope, Where the lost are refound, and the fallen elope. With the light now his ally, and the darkness his past, He ascends from the depths, to the skies wide and vast, The night has been shattered, and the day comes at last, In the gleam of the crystal, new life is cast.


Date: January 28, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

The deeper you’ll dig into me the more gold you’ll find

In caverns vast where whispers dwell, A bearded sentinel knows them well, Clad in echoes of storied past, Where time's embrace is held steadfast. His gaze, a lantern's golden hue, Casts forth a light on paths anew, An armor etched with history's hand, In silent vigil, grand he stands. Ahead, a labyrinthine sprawl, With gilded steps that rise and fall, Each turn a tale, each echo a song, A testament to the seekers strong. Beneath the surface, secrets sleep, In chambers deep where shadows creep, With every layer one unwinds, New lustrous truths there are to find. This alchemy of soul and earth, Gives rise to insight, wisdom's birth, Here, where ancient meets the seeker's mind, In pursuit of what is there to find. Through this enclave's serpentine twist, A promise of enlightenment kissed, For those who navigate the arcane, Shall find the wealth of knowledge reign.


Date: January 27, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

If you want to live a life of fantasy then yes. Reality as everybody else experiences it is the price you’ll have to pay

In a chamber where wonders quietly reside, Science and magic sit side by side. A city of spires beneath a galactic array, Here, the dreamers come to play. Through panes that separate the then and now, Eternal questions to which we bow. Vials of colors, a vibrant dance, Capturing the essence of chance. Outside, the world of logic so clear, Inside, the realm where dreamers steer. Mixing potions under cosmic light, Crafting dreams in the quiet of night. In this haven, we barter and trade, The common reality for enchantment's cascade. For those who seek to slip reality's seams, Must pay with the coin of the world of dreams.


Date: January 26, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Bitcoiners are philosophers and philosophy may end up proving you right a 100 or a 1000 years later. But the market will still have its speculative technological boom and bust cycles play out first


Date: January 26, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

I can barely trust even the people i see every day as they are standing right in front of me are really who they present themselves to be. You think I’m going to trust anybody on television?


Date: January 26, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

No relationship is bullet proof


Date: January 26, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Conflict can at times just be evidence of having a spine
