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Date: January 25, 2024

Quotes (nadav_rock_2)

Erik Voorhees

Don't try to go from poor to rich in one blast. Go from poor to not poor, then to very comfortable, then to rich, over multiple cycles and with wisdom.


Date: January 25, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

Reality is a game. The score board is hidden. The rules are obscured. Should you choose to play you have to guess the rules for yourself and contrive a scoreboard of your own making. The closer you are to the true game of reality the better you will fare in life


Date: January 25, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

There is no amount of money you can pay me to be anybody else


Date: January 25, 2024

Painting (nadav_rock_2)

Enchantment of the Dark Queen

In the gloom where shadows bloom, a queen of night holds court, Her crown agleam with a sinister beam, in her realm of dark deport. With a touch so slight on the goblin knight, whose dreams now twist and twine, Her smile, a crescent, both cruel and pleasant, a blend of bitter and brine. Around her throne, where the cold winds moan, the silent sentries stand, Skulls and bones, from ancient thrones, gathered by her hand. Mischief-makers, at her beck, crouch in corners dim, Whilst the queen weaves spells that from the depths, beckon whispers grim. Her robe, a cascade of midnight shade, flows over the stone-cold floor, Each step she takes, the silence breaks, with the might of mythic lore. The air is thick with enchantments slick, that drip from her regal scepter, And the goblin’s snores, in slumbered roars, signal the night’s sweet nectar. In her domain, where darkness reigns and magic rules unbound, She reigns supreme, in this fevered dream, where lost souls are found. Her court, a scene from a tale unseen, where the eerie and the arcane blend, In this kingdom of night, under a sliver of light, her power knows no end.


Date: January 24, 2024

Quotes (nadav_rock_2)

Robert Breedlove

In the past if a government was printing too much money people would see that market actors and say okay this country is printing too much money. They're being irresponsible with monetary policy let me sell this currency and redeem it for gold and take my gold into another jurisdiction where there's more responsible monetary policy being carried out. In a fiat paradigm you don't have that option anymore right you're trapped in a system with no opt out and what does this make you. I mean you're perpetually subject to taxation via inflation forever so if you hold dollars in a bank account today your purchasing power is being siphoned away by the central bank. Every dollar printed is proof of labor stolen


Date: January 23, 2024

Quotes (nadav_rock_2)

Robert Breedlove

if you read Mingers on the origins of money he describes that in any trading society there's always necessarily a particular asset that is most widely tradable or most liquid or most marketable these are all also definitions for money like the most marketable good and whatever that asset is that's most liquid that's what everyone will want to trade for right because no matter what you're aiming at obtaining the most liquid asset will be the fastest way to get there if I can trade chickens for money I know that everyone accepts money or most people accept this most marketable good that will help me get potatoes or whatever the thing is most quickly so money emerges naturally as a result of trade it's an emergent property of direct exchange itself that something becomes the most exchangeable thing that most exchangeable thing is then by Def money effectively so it's important to understand that and then assets that are less liquid they just have less degree of moneyness


Date: January 22, 2024

Quotes (nadav_rock_2)

Michael Saylor

For a thousand years people did after Galin people didn't understand how blood flowed through the body and it was Harvey that finally figured out that the heart pumps blood through the arteries and recirculates it back through the veins and it was the biggest breakthrough in medicine in a thousand years and this is when Harvey said you know the heart actually pumps the blood through the body. People couldn't believe it and Harvey's famous statement is he said you know no doctor over the age of 40 will ever believe me. Nobody over the age of 40 will ever believe that the heart pumps blood


Date: January 22, 2024

Random Thoughts (nadav_rock_2)

My default assumption coming into the world was people need only be told the truth to see. But most people don’t use their eyes to look and can only see what everybody else agrees is out there


Date: January 21, 2024

Painting (nadav_rock_2)

The Last Sage

In a realm where gears and gravity dance, A figure stands in an eternal stance. With eyes like stars in deep space’s expanse, He holds the cosmos with just a glance. Cloaked in shadows of the interstellar night, Adorned with feathers, a breathtaking sight. Orbs and wheels in motion, whispering lore, Of ancient wisdom and mechanical core. His beard a cascade of silvered streams, Flowing like time, through infinite dreams. With hands that weave the fabric of fate, He molds the universe, devoid of hate. Feathers of wisdom, a crown so bold, In this kingdom of cogs, stories unfold. The flight of eagles, the spheres in hand, In this portrait of power, profoundly grand. A sage of secrets, in a world so wide, Where the spirits of machine and mystique collide. An alchemist of the ether, so fierce, so free, Crafting tomorrow, what will be, will be.


Date: January 20, 2024

Painting (nadav_rock_2)

Eidolons of Invention

in a realm where gears and wonder intertwine,.a cloaked figure casts spells between the lines..its eyes, like sapphire flames, quietly burn,.while pages of ancient lore gently turn...amidst the whisper of turning cog and wheel,.it conjures worlds that feel both unreal and real..with every incantations potent chant,.it weaves a reality scant of cant...metallic fingers dance with grace and skill,.bending the fabric of time to its will..the ancient and future in it combine,.a being beyond the reach of decline...in silence, it summons the thunders voice,.in its magic, the stars themselves rejoice..its knowledge vast as the endless night sky,.where celestial bodies calmly lie...a guardian of secrets, bound by steel,.yet in its essence, not all is revealed..in the quiet hum of its arcane art,.lies the power to both mend and to part...elixirs bubble, manuscripts unfold,.in this workshop of stories untold..the enigma wrapped in an iron shroud,.bearing wisdom both humble and proud...so marvel at the inventors grand dream,.where nothing truly is as it seems..in a workshop where sparks of genius fly,.the eidolons of thought never die.
